Friday 30 September 2016

Clemens Kammenhuber - MA Show

Nowadays there are stoves which are operated by a little magnetic device: Once you put the magnet onto the stove, the power turns on and the magnetic device can be adjusted to set the temperature. The idea popped to my head – that this technology could be used for personal computers as well.

What if the hardware would be on that magnet and the screen is simply a touchscreen that connects with the magnet when it is placed on the screen? Not only is the hardware and personal software on the magnet but it can function as an operating device as well. This opens a new world of gestures and interactions. Potential users are more likely to be able to afford screens like these, since they do not include hard and software. Such devices need a new form of interface design and it is this that will be the focus of my Master’s project.

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