Thursday 12 October 2017

Kulbir Entwistle - MA Show

The Circle Of Life 
The natural circle of life is birth, life and death: a perfect circle. Circles can overlap, create intersections and unity, but also break. There is a loss, and more specifically a loss of control, two themes I will explore through circles.

Losing my own mother and hair not only highlighted awareness of ageing and mortality but also a desire to carry on traditional handicrafts. I will create a series of works through mixed media techniques (threads and nails), featuring circular patterns which will be visibly created and lost.

I also come from a culture where the head is bound either by turbans or chunis – a suppression, a control of freedom. The action of winding a turban occurs in a controlled circular motion. I want to explore this theme of controlled binding and unbinding of the head through a series of six headdresses using wire, wool and twigs.


Find out more about the 2017 MA show at

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